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  • Annual maximum series-based precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals for Alaska derived from WRF-downscaled reanalysis (ERA-Interim) and CMIP5 GCM (GFDL-CM3, NCAR-CCSM4) precipitation data with the RCP 8.5 scenario. Estimates and confidence intervals are based on exceedance probabilities and durations used in the NOAA Atlas 14 study. Projections are present for three future time periods: 2020-2049, 2050-2079, and 2080-2099.

  • This set of files includes downscaled projections of monthly means, and derived annual, seasonal, and decadal means of monthly mean temperatures (in degrees Celsius, no unit conversion necessary) from Jan 2006 - Dec 2100 at 771x771 meter spatial resolution. For seasonal means, the four seasons are referred to by the first letter of 3 months making up that season: * `JJA`: summer (June, July, August) * `SON`: fall (September, October, November) * `DJF`: winter (December, January, February) * `MAM`: spring (March, April, May) The downscaling process utilizes PRISM climatological datasets from 1971-2000. Each set of files originates from one of five top-ranked global circulation models from the CMIP5/AR5 models and RCPs or is calculated as a 5 Model Average.